Jerusalem Rabbinical Board

Rabbi Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander

Rabbi Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander, Born in New York in 1937, came to Israel in 1948 . He learned at Yeshiva Poneviz and Kollel Valozin, and merited to study under Rabbi Yitzhak Kolitz z”l, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. He holds a M.Sc. Theoretical Physics at Hebrew University and is a licensed Patent Attorney with twenty five years in industry. He was a general manager of Heled Educational Experiences and taught in Ricanati School for Economics at Tel Aviv University.

Yeshayahu [Julius] HaKohen Hollander is editor of a new publication of Talmud Bavli with Rashi embedded, previously he was a Ram in Yeshivat Hesder.

Previously teacher in Yeshivat Hesder. Learned at Yeshiva Poneviz and Kollel Valozin, and merited to study under Rabbi Yitzhak Kolitz z”l, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. M.Sc. Theoretical Physics – Hebrew University. Licensed Patent Attorney. Was general manager of Heled Educational Experiences. Taught at the Ricanati School for Economics at Tel Aviv University. 

Foreign Minister of the Nascent Sanhedrin: Redactor of the “Easy-to-Read Talmud” Internet edition of Talmud Bavli with Rashi embedded.

Active in NOAHIDE activities since 2006, attended Noahide conferences in 2008 and 2011 in the US. Active in Interfaith activities since 2008

Hillel says: Be of the disciples of Aaron–a lover of peace, a pursuer of peace, one who loves all people and draws them close to Torah. [Ethics of the Fathers 1,12]

Rabbi Moshe Armoni

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14) Rabbi Moshe Armoni is the founder of the Nachelat Rachel Association in Jerusalem and the Generation Tree method of medicine for mental treatment, empowerment, and emotional conflict resolution.
The rabbi began his career by lecturing on Kabbalah and Zohar, with a combination of soul, Judaism, and Kabbalah. After decades of treating hundreds and thousands of people, he developed the Generation Tree method of medicine as an amazing and exciting Jewish tool that traverses the stages of human creation and uncovers the emotional issues inherent in these times.

The method takes the patient and the therapist on a different journey into the human soul from a Jewish religious point of view. An exciting and unique journey that begins somewhere at the moment of creation, and up to this moment, the defining moment of change and correction.

Instead of taking man on a journey with the animal soul and its abilities, man will be taken on a journey with the Jewish soul in him and the powers that lie within it. We believe that in the emotional exposure of the conflict, physical and mental healing can be achieved immediately, as well as emphasizing the abilities that lie within the human soul – the Jewish soul in it.

Man is the tree of the field, and just as a tree paints the landscape according to the climate and conditions of the area where it is, so man paints his body and soul according to the environment and the conditions of the area where he is. it’s found. he was created, grew and learned. And if we investigate this thoroughly we will come to amazing things.

Medicine from the tree of generations is a journey through time, a journey of a person, a journey of a people. Because you and I are of the same root, we grow from the same soil and we suck from the same Jewish spiritual source root that was created thousands of years ago. When we know what he is, we will know who we are. Medicine of the Tree of Generations – Rabbi Moshe Armoni

Honorary Founder
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

Peace without Conciliation: 

The Irrelevence of “Toleration” In Judaism

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg has worked with Jewish youth and students in education for thirty years in Israel and Australia. He was a successful high school principal for 15 years. Under his leadership, the Education Ministry awarded his school a prize as one of thirty top high schools among all the schools in Israel. This high achievement was noteworthy since almost all students had learning difficulties (ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and more).    

All this time, Rabbi Chaim taught the profound ideas of the Bible as they were passed on to him by his rabbis, who are among the “Guardians of the Secrets” of the Ancient Hebrew People. This interpretation of the Bible is faithful to the source, maintaining a tradition preserved since the prophets’ time.    

After surviving a terrorist attack, Rabbi Chaim left his ‘comfort zone’ and devoted his life to spreading messages that can unify the world and benefit all humanity.    

As part of their life treasures, the people of Israel hold ‘keys’ to a better world relevant for all people. And indeed, the Bible appeals to everyone, regardless of race, religion, or gender. Rabbi Chaim maintains regular contact with Noahides all over the world. Recently, he was invited to deliver seminars outside of Israel to help establish new communities that fully comply with these principles.    

Through various contacts worldwide and in light of the success and acceptance of these messages, we are now making our materials available to the public. We aim to cover the material in-depth in a friendly and transparent way to everybody.   

In the last two years, He is the SCO of the Noahide World Center.