A universal Sabbath

Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy. Exodus 20:

What is the universal Sabbath?

“Remember the Shabbat day and keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8

“Observe the Shabbat day and keep it holy, as Hashem your God has commanded you.” Deuteronomy 5:12

“For in six days Hashem made heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; therefore Hashem blessed the Shabbat day and hallowed it.” Exodus 20:11

According to the late Rabbi Yoel Shwartz z”l

“The commandment in Deuteronomy on the tablets written by Moses was a message specifically for the Jews to ‘observe’ the Sabbath,” noting that it was followed by a description of God taking the Jews out of Egypt.The first set of tablets were written by God, and the commandment to remember the Sabbath was a universal commandment,” It is  to “remember” the Sabbath. Since it was universal, it was followed by a description of creation.”

This Sabbath is a “Shabbat” of Creation marking the 7th day of rest the entire world is called to observe and keep “holy” unto the Creator.

Once a week on Friday, the end of the Hebrew calender weekly day six, observing and taking time out of the mundane daily grind, we invite you in welcoming and honoring the Shabbat as an opportunity to invest in feeling the pleasure of gathering together, enjoying every bite of family dinner, and enjoying singing and praying giving thanks to Creator.

Once a week, the Shabbat offers the opportunity to spend quality time with our families, listen to each other, share our experiences, express our love, and make each other happy.

A true source of blessing in life is found in honoring the Shabbat. This is true for anyone, regardless of race or religion, that if they are connected to Shabbat, they will be blessed in business, family, health, and every other aspect of their lives. Everyone should honor the Shabbat with joy and pleasure. Once a week, Shabbat offers the opportunity to invest in feeling the pleasure of gathering together, enjoying every bite of family dinner, and enjoying singing together. Once a week, the Shabbat offers the opportunity to spend quality time with our families, to listen to each other, to share our experiences, to express our love, and make each other happy.

The Seventy Nations Jerusalem is inviting  All Nations to light two Sabbath candles to honor the Creation “Universal Shabbat” as mandated in the Ten Commandments. This Sabbath is a day of divine rest for the entire world who is called to observe and keep “holy” honoring the Creator of the Universe, The One God who created all things and rested afterwards to commune with Creation itself. 

Unlike the Jewish people who are mandated in a different ways according to the law of Moses and specified in the Torah, all Mankind is called to honor this Day of Rest from Creation as God gave this Day of Rest to serve practical purposes that enhance our lives. 

We invite you to join the Jewish people in lighting two Sabbath Candles in honor the “Universal Sabbath” as mandated in the Ten Commandments.

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The Seventy Nations

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On Shabbat night, there should also be a festive family meal, and it is fitting that within the meal, there should be bread, fish, meat, and wine, which are a reminder of the future Shabbat, then there will be a feast for the righteous where there will be wine and roasted meat. The bread symbolizes manna, fish – symbolizes the great fish of the prophet Jonah, meat symbolizes roasted meat from the Temple, as does wine. All of these are symbols of the future spiritual world..It is also traditional to bless the Shabbat over a glass in this manner: “Blessed you GOD, King of the Universe, Creator of this vine”. And everyone answers: Amen. At the end of the family dinner, all should give thanks in the traditional way:

“Blessed are you, God, King of the Universe and blessed your Kingdom, for the feeding the whole world with his goodness in grace and mercy and compassion. He gives food to every creature forever and ever, as it is written: “Gives bread to all flesh because of His mercy, thank God forever as he has always been merciful” Blessed are you, God, King of the Universe, for feeding everyone and everything. We remember that in six days, you created the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day, you rested. “

The commandment to ‘Remember the Sabbath’ was given at Mount Sinai as one of the Ten Commandments and said to all the nations of the world. This commandment is to remember that God created the world in six days, and Shabbat is based on the first Sabbath, just as all the laws of nature were created at that time and are still in effect, sustaining the world. The nation of Israel was commanded to keep the Sabbath holy, to keep all the details of Shabbat symbolizing our faith in God. This is especially relevant today as one of the names of God is ‘Shalom’ (peace) and Shabbat returns peace to the world. This is symbolized in the traditional sabbath greeting in which people bless each other with ‘Shabbat Shalom’.”

The Seventy Nations will be teaching these protocols and more at the forthcoming Jerusalem Unity Center being built in Jerusalem very soon. We invite all people from all nations to come and join us to learn these protocols and more in preparation for the third temple and house of prayer for all nations. See you soon, this year in Jerusalem!